Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today was awesome!!! Tommy's brother, Jim, chose the trial. Its was called LaSalle. We started out all meeting at Eclectic Breakfast house around 8am.

When we left for our day we were at approximately 4100 feet, and when we ran out of road on the top of the mountain, we were at 10,033 feet. We only traveled 9.2 miles. Ernie and Cindy were with us, and led most of the way.

We went from 106 degrees in the desert to 70 degrees in the snow. It was so much fun. The boys were being boys and were throwing snow balls at us and both Tommy and Jim got stuck in the snow drifts and had to have Ernie use his wench to pull them out.

We were on the trail for almost 8 full hours. We packed a lunch and found a shady spot by a water fall, created by melting snow. We sat for a while just to enjoy the scenery. It was breathtaking.

About 1/2 way up the mountain we found another empty mine. Tommy, I, Jim and Ernie went in. We had to literally crawl into the opening just past the doorway because of a cave in. Once inside we were amazed. There were railways that just kept descending. Of course, we followed them. At about 100 feet down, I started to get nervous. These mines are over 100 years old and who know what could happen. It was so creepy, yet so intriguing at the same time. I was so happy when Tommy said we hit a dead end and had to retreat.

Once again, we are grilling at home tonight, more rib eyes with Cathy and Jim. Ernie and Cindy leave for Mesa Verde in the morning and we wish them a good trip.

Tomorrow I'm not sure where we are going but if its up the Warmack boys, it will be alot of fun and adventure.


  1. My heart races just LOOKING at those mines! Are you at all claustrophobic???

  2. The pics are breathtaking. Love the pic of Tommy coming out of the mine. Enjoy your day!!

  3. Do you think the mine is where the dead people are hidden?

  4. No Cheryl, they only hide them under your house!!!lol
