Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, June 7,2010

Today was a good day, and its not over yet.

We met up with Cathy and Jim and Ernie and Cindy for breakfast at the 'jailhouse". Good Eggs Benedict. Then we hit the Gemini Bridge Trail. The natural formations along the way are spectacular. The climax of the trail, the two individual bridges, are really cool. There is a monumental sign posted on one of the rocks there because someone at one point drove their jeep off the edge - now you can only walk across.

On the way back Tommy noticed an old abandoned mine up about 100 feet from the trail. So what do we do? Of course, we pull over and trek up the mountain. It was the neatest thing. We entered it with only 2 flashlights and there were four of us so it was tricky because there are allot of turns and passage ways. The temperature was around 60 degrees and it was creepy. The boys surmised it was dug in 1860-1870 when people were getting rich on all the Uranium from this area. Or maybe Silver, either way, it was interesting.

Tonight we are having Bill, Cathy, Ernie and Cindy over for ribs that have been in the crock pot all day with BBQ sauce and mashed potatoes and baked beans....a real cowboys dinner.

Tomorrow we are hoping to get out on a trail that we will hike, but its 106 here and yes, even though there is no humidity....ITS STILL HOT!!!

Have fun...

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