Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I have not posted anything in the past several days because we have not been hiking.

Yesterday we spent most of the day in the hospital. Since we have arrived in Moab I have had difficultly breathing. The first four days here there were 40-50 mile per hour winds 24 hrs a day, steady. The sand was in the air and I blamed that on my breathing.

After a week passed, I went to the local clinic and was was told I have allergies to the Cotton Wood Trees here that are in bloom. I got some meds and it seemed to be better. Several days after the meds were gone, I became sick again.

I am not asthmatic and never have been. I smoked for several years, but have quit almost 6yrs ago. I would sneak one here and there but not enough to concern myself with.

Yesterday, they took and xray of my lungs and the conclusion is that because I DID smoke all those years (LIKE AN ASS)...my lung capacity cannot handle the altitude.

We are set to go to Colorado in August and that is approximately 5000 feet higher than here. I am taking steroids and now have and inhaler but the doctor said I still not be able to handle Colorado. Which makes me really angry at myself.

I hate that I was so completely ignorant to smoking and now that I am living the dream life I might now be able to enjoy it....what an idiot!!! And on top of that I am holding Tommy back.

I'll right more in a couple of days after these meds kick in....thanks for reading. AND DON'T SMOKE!!!!


  1. Oh no!! Feel better Sha. Hopefully the meds will do the trick and you'll be back out on the trails.

  2. When you first mentioned a problem with breathing at the beginning of your trip, Keith mentioned the altitude. I hope the medication helps soon. xoxox
