Friday, June 11, 2010

Chicken Corners

June 11, 2010

Yesterday was a total 'girlie' day. Cathy and I had manicures and pedicures and then went shopping. We both bought books and came back to our temporary housing unit, and Cathy proceeded to make me drunk. She makes a mean Bloody Mary. We sat outside for a couple of hours drinking and reading. It was awesome. (I'm reading 'the girl with the dragon tattoo").

The boys went on trail in the Polaris and ended up in Colorado...HAHAHAHAHA!!!! It was a great day for all of us. We had many laughs!

Today, we took Cathy and Jim to 'Chicken Corners Trail", this was the first trail Tommy and I did when we first got here. Its spectacular. We again, met for breakfast and hit the trail around 9:30am. We arrived back home about 7:30. We are meeting up with them for dinner at the Branding Iron Restaurant. This is the first time since we have arrived that we are actually eating out. Its ironic, at home we eat out 3 1/2 weeks out of the month (probably more) and here, we are grilling every night. I like eating at home....

Today on the trail we were being followed by nasty storm. The canyon is open in some areas for miles and when its not, you are in so close to the rocks that either way, you do not want lighting to strike anywhere near you....

We raced for the last 2 miles (which took almost an hour) to get to the end where we knew there was a ledge we could hide under until the passed. We made it, and the pictures will show you how very scary it is when you at 5000 feet elevation, in the middle of absolutely nothing, and a storm blows through with 40 mph winds....

Overall, it was a great trail and a great time. Tomorrow is our last day with Jim and Cathy and they head home to their beautiful grand daughter,(that I never met because my husband wont take me to Kentucky)! We had such a great time with them and we will miss them.

Thanks to everyone who reads this, Tommy and I really do appreciate it. We miss everyone so much!