Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday, June 12, 2010

Yesterday Jim, Cathy, Tommy and I set out for a day of observing jeeps climb ridiculous trails where they would be so contorted it was unbelievable. We ascended about 350 feet up along the trail, found a shade tree and set up camp, so to speak.

We waited, and waited, and waited...and not one jeep showed up. This trail is called Moab Rim and every single time we pass it there are at least 10-15 jeeps going up or coming down. (Last week Tommy saw a Toyota truck flip over 2X's). We had the video ready, the cameras ready, lots of water, and were so excited to just relax and be entertained. NOTHING but a rattle snake got our attention. And of course, the boys, just had to play with it.

After finally figuring there was a public announcement made by the Mayor that this trail was closed today (not really, but it was the only excuse we could think of), we headed down. Just as we we half way there we saw two jeeps coming up the trail. YEAH!!!! We retreat! We set up shop again and are anticipating a great view of totally crazy people doing to their very expensive machines something that should never even be considered. And what do they do? About 200 yards from us, they totally chicken out and turn back. MAN!!! We were SO disappointed.

We ended up going to Milts, the local grease pit, for great cheeseburgers and then heading back to the RV.

Cathy and Jim left last night for home. We had a wonderful visit with them and wish them a safe ride home.

The weather is sometimes extreme here, for instance, yesterday, it stormed with very loud thunder and a huge downpour here in town. In the mountains behind us, it snowed liked crazy. 125 miles north of us, it hailed, and there were flash floods everywhere. (There are 24 people missing, from an RV park that were swept away in the middle of the night).Scary stuff.

Today, Tommy and I are being extremely lazy, probably eating leftovers, and just hanging around camp. We hope everyone is having a good day, and thanks for reading.

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