Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today we went back to Milt's Creek Trail. The very beginning of the trail is all hard rock, on a slant, with nowhere to grip your feet. It has alot of loose sand and I hated it. (Especially because my ankle is not 100% yet).But once we passed that, the rest of the trail was great. In and out of the streams. In and out of bush. Up and down the mountains. We walked for about 1 1/2 miles and met up with a local girl walking her dog. She asked us if we have been to the water fall. When we replied yes, at the trail head, she said, no, there is another one. For the locals. Its kinda hidden. She explained us how to find the trail, and Holy Crow, it was amazing! We found a rock under and overhang and sat there for almost an hour.Just watching the kids jump off the cliffs. It was so much fun and so completely relaxing.

On the way back we passed through several beaver damns. They were pretty impressive. There was a fresh chewed tree that I had no idea they were capable of chewing down. We also passed a family comprised of children, dogs, and goats.
The goats came right up to us to pet them and the owners said they are part of their family as pets.

On the way home, we stopped at the market in town and picked up some rib eyes....mmmmmm, for tonight and will probably watch a movie on pay per view. Tommy's brother, Jim, and his wife Cathy get here tomorrow and we are very much looking forward to that... We miss everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can post now!!!

    Anonymous, being Lisa.
