Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3rd, 2010 Wednesday.

Yesterday we said good bye to Kathy and Bill. They left for Alaska and we will miss them. We took the Polaris out for a trail called the Hidden Valley. It was definitely hidden. We had to travel over a series of rocks which are called 'mashed potatoes'. It was named appropriately. I had to get out 4 times because of fear of rolling over. The pictures do not show the angles that have to be negotiated. The end result was extraordinary. Tommy videoed me driving through the valley and I hope I can get it posted. (Not quite sure how to do video yet). After being out for over 6 hours on trails, we hit our daily watering hole. Now I know the true meaning of that saying. The Moab Brewery is now our best friend. After every day out on trails we stop in and have an ice cold beer. Its the best place. Especially for me, I don't like beer much, but I have a different one every time. Today we will stop by Gloria and Ivan's to wish Gloria well, she is under the weather. We plan on taking Sire out for a hike today, the only problem with that is we have to carry water for him and one gallon weighs 8.333 pounds. Tonight there is a rodeo here and I am very excited to see the bull riding. The rodeo is here on our campground so we can just walk over to the arena. Okay, time to hit the trails....have a great day.

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