Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Marysvale, UT

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yesterday we adventured out in Marysvale, UT. I completely and totally mis-judged this town. When we first got here, I had a pissy fit. I was besides myself thinking that we are in the middle of Little House on the Prairie (not sure of the name, where ever Laura Ingles lives).

After heading onto a trail that you can access from anywhere you are, because the 'town' is ATV 'friendly', and everyone and anyone has an ATV. (The whole family goes to the one and only mini market, (which, btw, is the gas station, the liquor store, the grocery store, and the social meeting place - all in one,) on their ATV's.) We went on this trail called Bullion Trail. It was amazing.

At first, we started to pass several people back and forth on the trail. Then as we progressed, it became far and few between that we would pass someone. We started out at just over 6k feet at base and when we hit the summit it was 11,133 feet up. We hit alot - I mean ALOT of snow! We would have to exit the Polaris and access the depth of the snow drifts to see if we could make it through. After 3 or 4 of these, I wanted to retreat. The snow is melting so its soft and even with 4 wheel drive you 'fishtail' AND you are not close to the edge of nowhere, you ARE ON THE EDGE!!! I became completely freaked out and videoed taped Tommy just in case something happened and then when I went for help and died from the elements or animals atleast there would be some sort of answers to what actually happened. (Yes, I'm dramatic, but I'm also a chicken shit!) Tommy of course, just wants to plow through it all.

Along the way up we passed so many, well, not SO many, but alot of old mines. Apparently this was THE place to find gold and silver. It amazed us as to when they were done with mining they just moved on. They left everything but what they could carry. Alot of the structures and old machinery is still where it stood while in production. We have a ton of pictures but I cannot figure out how to post more than 5 at a time.

At one point, Tommy wanted to cross the river, which was flowing extremely fast. We came across a tree that was fallen over the water and he decided to walk it to the other side. Again, I pull out the video (because there is NO way I'm doing that!) and yes, I have jumped off cliffs in Jamaica, and jumped out of a plane, and did alot of stupid stuff where I could have died, but that's behind me now. Im a scaredy cat!

Tommy made it to the other side while I waited for his return. He found a waterfall that he wanted to chase so he went on a little hike. Leaving me on the other side - alone. Soooo, I go to the Polaris and get out the gun. There was no way a bear was going to eat me! After about 45 minutes and me in shear panic, Tommy returned. He negotiated his way back over the fallen tree, which totally amazed me, and when he saw I had the gun in my hand he laughed at me. The ironic thing was, I had no idea how to get the safety off and when I asked Tommy how to do that, he explained to me that there was no safety! HA! Even though I probably couldn't shoot the side of a barn, I felt better just having it in my hands.

On the way down we still hit snow but not as badly as on the way up. The way down was extremely enjoyable. We were on the trail for over 6 1/2 hours and will head out again today.

We met our neighbors and are heading out with them today on another trail. I have to go pack a lunch. Have good day!

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