Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Onion Trail

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Yesterday, we headed out on the Polaris for "The Onion Trail'. We left late and started on the trail at 3:00. It was beautiful. The timing of the sun on the return trip was unbelievable. The pictures just do not capture it in all its hues. We went off trail at one point and it was extreme. We went about 1 mile and decided to turn back to the trail that was marked by BLM. (Bureau of Land Management). Today, we are going to attempt to hike. The weather cooled down to the low 90's and we want to get Sire out for some exercise. The winds picked up again and are supposed to stay steady until Friday. Right now they are approximately at 35 mph. Hopefully, the sand wont effect me. The meds are slowly kicking in and the coughing is slowly going away. Tommy and I got the crap scared out of us the other day at the hospital because of a spot they found on my lungs. Thankfully, it turned out to be a shadow. But for about 45-50 minutes while waiting on radiology we became extremely quiet and both were silently freaking out.

I cannot tell you how very fortunate and appreciative we are of our lives and the opportunities that we have. We have some of the best friends and family in the world and we miss all you terribly. I miss my children in the worst way! Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading about your adventures. Where are you off to next? And about your lungs, take your meds!!! We miss you all, too!
