Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beaver Lake

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yesterday we tagged along with our neighbors. Janet, Wally, Debbie and Joe. They each have an ATV and we followed in our Razor. We took a trail called Beaver Lake. It ascends you up to just over 10k feet and is a really nice, smooth trail.

We saw alot of deer and cows along the way but no sheep - still!

I learned some of the rules and regulations along with the sign language that goes along with off road'ing.

First, and most important; you are responsible for the person behind you - at all times. If they are out of your site for more than 5-10 minutes, you should turn back and find them. (Great rule!)

Secondly, as you pass other trail blazers in the opposite direction, you all have a duty to sign to the opposing ATV'ers how many are in your convoy behind you. For instance; Janet led us with Debbie behind her, then Joe, then us in forth position, and Wally took the rear. As we passed people Janet would hold up her hand with 4 fingers, Debbie with 3, Joe with 2, us with 1 and Wally would use a right hand turn signal with a closed fist to indicate he was the end. At first, I didnt think this was too important but some of the turns are like hidden driveways and you can crash very easily.

Lastly, I learned that no matter how long you are out on a trial, time gets completely away from you. Every single time we venture out it seems as if its 2 maybe 3 hours and bamm....its been 6 hours gone by. Before you know it you can be up 10k feet with only 1 hour of light left - not good!

When we got back to camp we headed over to Joe and Debbie's for cocktail hour. We ended up mooching off their dinner. And it was great! Joe is Cuban and had made roasted pork and rice and beans....mmmm mmmm good!

We got up early today and I took a ride on Janet's ATV, with Debbie following us. We went to Rock Candy Mountain Trading Post. The trail we took was about 45 mins. It was nice, just the girls.

Not really sure where we are heading today, but I'm sure Ill have something to blog about.

I am sorry I haven't returned anyone's phone calls, AT&T's coverage SUCKS!!!! (but Im not bitter! lol).

Everyone have a great day!

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