Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More South Dakota

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday we headed into Hill City. I love that town. All the towns around here are still the same as they were in the 1800's. Some of the buildings are original and never re done. Some of them have been brought up to code. Either way, they are fascinating.

Hill City is in between Custer, and Deadwood. It is pretty good in size and was a pass through for alot of prospectors. Deadwood is big. It is the home and burial site of Wild Bill Hickcock. All the buildings were built out of brick and the town has several Main Streets. It is really really cool. Very well thought out.

Late in the afternoon we took a ride on the Polaris and came across an old school house. It was a one room school house exactly like the one Tommy attended. Hehehehe. We also came across and old Stockade that was set up to protect the prospectors from the Indians.

Across the street from where we are camping is one site where Custer stayed for 5 nights with his caravan. It is the longest stay he had during his reign of terror on the Indians. (Ill stop there!)

Kyle was  hoping to see some animals, but did not. Oh, I forgot to tell you. This IS NOT Bear country!!! Yeah, right? NOT!!! ITS MOUNTAIN LION country!  (Which to me is even scarier because they 'hunt' you.)

We came across a water hole that was mined for gold and we shot Tommy's riffle for a while. It was fun. I kicked Kyles butt in shots hitting the targets. (The targets were water bottles we threw into the water.) I sunk them all!!!

Last night we made a great bon fire and had Penne pasta and all that goes with that for dinner. (If you know me and Tommy well, you know that its like pulling teeth to get him to eat Italian, so I took advantage of Kyle being here to have a good old pasta dinner). 

Today is Kyles last day with us. I cannot believe a week has gone by already! We are going to visit these 'wind caves'. They are supposed to be the 4th largest caves in the world. Ill take lots of pictures.

Have a great day, and thanks for reading!

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