Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Custer, SD

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today Kyle flies in. I am so excited to see him. I cant believe its almost 3 months since we left. This is the first time he is flying by himself. He has to drive to Orlando and switch planes in Minneapolis. Yes, hes a big boy, but he's also my baby, and I'm nervous for him.  He wont arrive here until 10:30 pm my time.

I haven't blogged in a couple of days because we have been just hanging around town and the campground. We arrived a day early because the 'Sundance" that was planned on spending a day in, was not the same Sundance I thought that held the music festival. That is held in Park City, UT, in which we were only a couple of miles away from when we visited Salt Lake City. Oh well.

We drove straight through from Buffalo WY to Custer, SD. Along the way we stopped in this teeny little town called TenSleep to refuel. Apparently everyone and any one asks how that name came about, so the owner of the gas station posted this sign on the outside of the convenience store. Pretty cool.

When we arrived at camp we were very lucky to have been given a site for the night we did not have reserved. It is packed everywhere here for the Sturgis Rally. We knew we would have to move the next day to the pre planned site but we didn't care. We set up house and ventured into town. The cowboy towns here are just like you see in the old westerns. They are so cool.

Yesterday, we woke up and went to the local place for breakfast and planned on moving when we returned. The people in our spot were supposed to  check out by 11am. They were not home. So we waited and waited. Around 2pm we took a ride into town because our levelers crapped out, and we needed to have the circuit board re soldered (or something like that.) All I know is we are crooked and I don't like it. Anyway, when we returned, the people were still not home. We went into the office and said -can we take spot 31 instead of 34 (which was assigned to us), because we cant move if they are still here. The spot we slept in was also reserved for someone else coming in yesterday - so we had to move. They allowed us to take spot 31 and will re arranged those people when they come in. As of 9pm last night the people in spot 34 were still not back. I swear, I have no idea how these camps can keep track of people coming and going and what spot they need to be in. We have had to move so many times with in the same camp. If it were me - Id say - you see and empty spot - take it! But I'm sure there's a method to their madness or everyone wouldn't be doing the same thing.

Today, Tommy has several things that need repair on here. The passenger side chair does not have power because, well, I broke it! But not on purpose! And the circuit board for the leveling system has to be put back in. And a couple of other little things need to be done. So I am going to do laundry, clean our temporary housing unit, cook a good dinner, and just wait for my son to arrive.

Thanks for reading. Have a good day.

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