Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yellowstone National Park #2

This blog might be mixed up with other days because its been a while since we have had access to the Internet and phones. There were three full days we were completely out of contact with everyone.

The scariest part of it was the fact that the 'Fishing Bridge Camp Ground' that we stayed in, inside Yellowstone was a corridor for the Elk and the Moose and the Bears. And there was no signal in case of anything. Just across from our spot, not more than 15 feet was a leg of an Elk that was eaten by another animal.

We did have some Elk walk by at night but no bears. The park is okay. Nothing that we expected. We expected to be in fields of green and instead we were packed in like sardines. Yellowstone offers 12 RV parks, but only 4 of them can support RV's bigger than 40 feet long.

We tried all 4 parks and the only opening was Fishing Bridge. All of the National Parks have extremely cheap overnight prices. Anywhere from $ 5.00 -25.00 but of course Fishing Bridge was 'privately' owned and it was $55.oo a night. They would not allow us to run the generator at all and did not offer electric, but Tommy - what a surprise - found an connection to their electricity and he plugged us in with out any one knowing. Our neighbors thought we were using our 12 volt batteries. hehehehehe.

We drove one half of the park on the first day and the other half the second day. It is beautiful.
We saw, Elk, Bison, Bears, Wolves, Moose and alot of chipmunks. After a while when the people would slow down for the Bison, we were like - c'mon, its just a buffalo - move on! We did see several bald eagles. They are truly beautiful birds. And very very big. The picture wasn't so good because they were moving at a fast pace.

We also witnessed alot of geysers. The mud holes were the most impressive. It was as if you were blowing bubbles into chocolate milk with a straw. The colors were amazing. The oranges around the water hot springs is actually bacteria that grows from the inside of the earth.

I have more pictures that I am going to put on the next blog and share more about the park.
Thanks for reading.

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