Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mish Mosh


This is a mixture of pictures that I forgot to tell you about from Yellowstone. We hiked our butts off. We walked down over 300 steps to the top of a waterfall. It was worth it but it was hell climbing back up!

Yes, the rainbow is real. (I'm not that good to impose it).

There are four entrances into Yellowstone and we visited the visitor's center at all four points. I purchased a 'passport' from the first National Park we went to in Moab. Arches National Park. With this passport you get a cancellation stamp at the visitors centers of all National Parks. So far I have 14. It also comes with a map of the US and a listing of all National Parks. Its interesting and the best thing about this passport is there is a date on all the stamps so you can keep track of where you have been and when.

Thanks for reading and again, sorry for all the mix ups in days...

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