Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Warms Springs Lake, AZ

Tuesday, July, 6, 2010

Today we relaxed most of the morning. We hit the trail that is behind our campsite around noon. We drove 36 miles round trip.

The weather was cool, I wore a light jacket. We went shooting with Tommy's Remington 22 rifle. We shot over 100 bullets. It is easy to handle and I impressed myself. It holds 12 shots and every time we reloaded it I hit at least 6 of the 12 shots right on the target. WAHOO! Now I know I can kill a bear!!!

We ran into alot of deer and alot of cows along the trail. Everything is free to roam around here. Its really nice to see that these animals cannot be hunted or slaughtered and can just live their lives as they please.

Afterwards, we took Sire for a walk along a pasture that hosts momma horses and their colts.. This pasture is strictly for new born's and their moms to become acquainted, and when the colts are ready, the are returned to the pack and are used for trail rides all along the rim of the Grand canyon. Sire had a ball with them.

We also found a Geocache which was cool. It was in the middle of nowhere.

Tomorrow we head to Page, AZ. It is where Lake Powell is and we are excited to see it.

thanks for reading....


  1. What is a Geocache? Very big word?

  2. Geocache is something you 'hide' somewhere in the outdoors. It holds little treasures and you sign the log that you found it. From the website you get the coordinates and then venture out to find it. Its fun and it puts you in places you normally wouldn't travel.
