Sunday, July 11, 2010

South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today is my little sister, Cheryl's birthday! So Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

My other sister,(I'm not allowed to say older) Cindy, and her husband John and their two children, Emily and Christopher arrived Friday night. Their hotel is so close we have been walking back and forth. The town here is only a city block long. Its cute though. The McDonald's here is the 3RD highest priced McDonald's in the WORLD. They have a $5.00 menu, not a $1.00 menu. Coffee is $3.69... crazy!

Yesterday and today we spent in the Grand Canyon National Park. We walked the rim and saw beautiful formations. Christopher and Uncle Tommy are best friends. Uncle Tommy even let Christopher (who's 9), drive the Polaris. Two times. They are stuck to each other like glue. Its really cute.

Emily is a sweet girl but she is one of those bored to death teenagers who is always texting and doesn't seem at appreciate the quality time they are spending together as a family.

Remember when you were a teenager and you hated going on family outings. All you wanted to do was stay home with your friends. But then sometime around 25 and you looked back and say, oh, yeah, I remember going to LA and to the Grand Canyon and to Phoenix for one of our summer vacations. And it was great!

Tonight is the last night we will see each other. They head to Phoenix in the morning and we head to Vegas. It was really great hanging out with them. And we wish them a safe trip home.

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