Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vegas NV

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yesterday we left the south rim of the Grand Canyon and went to Vegas. Along the way we had to pass over the Hoover dam. The last time I was here was approximately 7-8 years ago, maybe more. Before 911. There was no security and tours were given all the way through the dam, inside and out.

Yesterday, we were stopped 2 miles before the dam and were searched by 4 men. They walked inside and checked all the compartments. They made Tommy open all the storage down below. They were extremely nice but it was the strangest thing I have ever encountered. We pull behind us a Dodge Ram and inside the bed of the Ram is a Polaris. Both have several compartments of storage and yet neither one of those vehicles were even considered.

They seem to be constructing a new bridge adjacent to the dam. Our guess is so that the public will not have to cross over the actual dam any longer. The bridge seems to be almost complete. The view from the center (part of you being in AZ and part of you being in NV) is spectacular.

Once we found our new RV Park, I was immediately happy! Every time we pull into a new park its a gamble. Some are more money than others and some are completely REDNECK! Tommy holds his breathe every time because more often than not, I am 'not a happy camper' about the choice. But once you are committed its extremely hard to move on and find another, taking the same chance. We have a Woodall's book that guides us, but they seem to rate the parks on the cleanliness of the bathrooms and showers, and we are self serving and do use their public facilities. My biggest complaint is - I want shade and I want grass...I hate the dirt and the sand form the desert. Okay, enough bitching.

Last night we went to the strip. It was so much fun. I cannot believe I got Tommy to walk with me. It was very, very crowded. At 11:00pm it was still 98 degrees. It felt as if we were in a convection oven. The breeze was strong and yet so so hot. We had dinner in Paris and watched the dancing waters at Bellagio after. The pictures all came out blurry, and I'm not sure why. (I wasn't even drinking.) We saw lots of Elvis', of course. After the water show, we went inside Bellagio and I played blackjack. Tommy does not gamble at all. I sat there for about 25 minutes and when I lost $20 I was gone. It was fun though. We then walked through a garden that is set up inside. It was beautiful. They change this garden 4 times a year to the seasons. It was set up with 30' tall glass poppy flowers and bumble bees and praying mantissas. Just beautiful.

We were supposed to stay just one night here but I love it so we are staying again tonight. Our goal was to get to Salt Lake City so I can do some genealogy research at the Mormon Tabernacle Library, but that will have to wait. Vegas is too much fun.

We will hit the strip again tonight - after the sun is long gone. It 114 right now and there is no way we want to be out in that kind of heat.

Thanks for reading, have a great day.


  1. Editor is resting on the job! haha
    maybe you should not chat and write at the same time! :)

  2. I totally agree... my editor is officially fired... so now when you read, all the mistakes will have to be re interpreted by the readers....get over it, i suppose.
