Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lionshead Trail

Saturday, July 25, 2010

Today we rode on the Polaris for several hours. It was completely, without a doubt, the scariest trail ride I have ever taken. The trail was called Lionshead Trail and is known for having big game. It was deep into the woods and extremely remote.

Tommy was assuring that we would be okay and wore his pistol on his hip, for easy access. About 2 hours into the ride we became very high on the mountain and it was after 5:00 pm. I was getting nervous because all the signs that were posted (and there wasn't many) stated - 'no motor vehicles'.

But my husband ventured on. As it was getting colder and colder and later and later I knew it was becoming closer and closer to feeding time for all the animals. I started to freak. (but silently). I started yelling out loud 'STAY AWAY BEAR!" every 10- 15 seconds. I think Tommy thought I was kidding. Until I didn't stop.

Then we came to a fork in the road, not marked. We looked at the map and it made no sense. We were lost. I was freaking out, (silently of course). We went to the right about 1/2 a mile and Tommy stopped. He said he 'thinks' its the other way. I'm really yelling now for the bears to STAY AWAY!!!

We turned around and found the fork again and took the other path. I was so scared that we were going to come across a moose or a bear in the middle of the path, like we did in Yellowstone. What would we do then? You cant back up, you cant go forward, all you can do is cry.

Finally, we came across the main path and made it back to the RV park. I have never been so scared in my life. Well, maybe once, when I was 12, and in Kings Dominion, VA. I begged my grandma to ride the loop to loop ride with me. It went backwards and I freaked out. They had to have people literally pry my hands off the ride because of shock! (my grandma, btw, laughed her butt off!)

Anyway, we are safe and home and tomorrow we will be going back to Yellowstone, the other parts we haven't seen yet.

Thanks for reading.!

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