Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yesterday we headed out on Deer Creek Trail. We took the back road from our RV Park through and around the river and across the highway.

As we entered onto the trail we saw a little Toyota pick up in front of us. We thought it was strange that there was a vehicle on the path, especially a non equipped, 4 wheel drive one at that. He drove very slowly and after a while, at a stream crossing he stopped and moved over so we can pass. We chatted for a few moments.

It turns out that he OWNED the mountain. His family has owned this town for well over 100 years. He was taking his 96 year old mother to a cabin that they had half way up the mountain. It turns out that the Grandfather and Father struck it rich with Uranium and Gold, way back when.

As we passed, beautiful cabin, after beautiful cabin, we saw his truck pulled over into a driveway/bridge type of area. We pulled over and got out. We talked some more and he invited us up to his cabin. His mother was the sweetest lady. She walked through the forest with a cane and needed, nor wanted, any assistance. She reminded us A LOT of Thelma. (Tommy's mom).

The cabin was built over 100 years ago, by his Dad and Grandfather, but had to be moved down the mountain in 1958. The forest service needed to do a controlled burn on the mountain and it was in danger of being destroyed.

They took it apart! Nail by nail, board by board and transported it piece by piece. It was reassembled and still sits where they re placed it, today. The river is directly in front of them about 100 feet away and while inside the cabin you can hear the bubbling brook! What a paradise. The natural surroundings are in describable. They also have a 'meat' house. (Which is bear proof). and and outhouse, that they still use because of no running water available. And they have another building where they hang and cut and gut their hunts. Gross, but whatever!

Inside the cabin they have an old, old stove. A wood burning stove, where you have to lift the circular shaped tops off the top for the flame to hit the pots. They explained to us that that was their only source of heat in the winter. Although it was rare they spent more than a week or so at a time there. Mostly just to hunt. It slept 7 people comfortably. I would have loved to take pictures, but I felt we would be imposing since we were invited to come in. Super nice people.

It also turned out that the beautiful cabins we passed along the way were other family members. All the brothers have their own and are within reasonable walking distance from each other, but not within sight.

They invited us to a big forth of July bash that the family was throwing but unfortunately, we will be leaving here shortly.

After we left the 'Grows' (that's their family name), we continued along the trail until we did a full circle and ended up back at the park. It was a really nice, relaxing day and the weather is perfect. Its 80 at the park and 70's up in the mountains.

Tonight we have a pot luck dinner at the little club house they have here in the park, where everyone brings a dish. I am making baked ziti. Anytime I have the chance to make a good pot of sauce I jump all over it. (Tommy hates Italian.) I cant wait until dinner.

Tomorrow we hit the road again and head a little more south, but still in Utah. We cant seem to leave this state, it so incredibly beautiful. We will be at Zion National Park for a week and I believe will head down to the south rim of the Grand Canyon from there. My older sister and her family are meeting us there and I cant wait to see them.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend..

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