Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Yesterday we went on a trail called Picture Frame Arch. We took the Polaris and left Sire at home.

We didn't hit the trail until after 1pm and returned home around 7pm. It was a nice, cooler day. It is amazing how desolate it can become just 4 or 5 miles off the 2 lane highway. You feel so alone and so at peace. All you hear, (if you shut off the IPOD), is the birds, which are seldom, and the winds swirling around the canyons.

At one point on the trail, we had, as Thelma, (Tommy's mom), would say - A Cow Oat, cross our path in front of us. I was surprised as to how big they really are. I always thought they were the size of a 40-45 pound dog. This one was not! And his/her ears were tremendous. My first reactions was, Holy Crow, how cool, but then when he/she stopped, and turned back to look at us and I became extremely nervous. The first thing out of my mouth was, "Tommy, do you have your gun'? Of course, Tommy laughed at me! He/she ran off, and even if he/she did come to back to eat me, Tommy would never, ever shoot him! (He saves everything!) I think the whole gun thing is just for show, for me!

The ironic thing is, we been in Moab for almost a month, and every single time while hiking or on a trail with the Razor, I am constantly saying...'here sheepy, sheepy. I really want to see a Ram, up close. We have not seen any. All we see are foot prints and poop. NOW, after the coyote, I don't think I want to see one up close anymore. LOL.

When we reached the 'picture frame arch', we were pleased with the description of the trail. Sometimes these trails have the weirdest names and we cannot, for the life of us, figure out how they came up with them.

We went past the point on the map into uncharted territory, what a surprise! We pulled off to the edge of Kane Springs Canyon a couple of times. It was a great place for lunch. Tommy, every single time, on the edge, has to throw rocks off the top and we listen for them to hit bottom. It sounds as if its a gun shot, the way it echos off the canyon walls. Its fun, its as if we are little kids, but he makes me so nervous sometimes. We hear of people dying here all the time. Hes crazy, but hes having the time of his life.

Today is the last day for us to play in Moab. I'm not sure what Tommy has planned for us, but I'm sure it will be fun. We leave for Marysvale on Sunday, and tomorrow is filled with giving our temporary housing unit a bath, and having dinner with Ivan and Gloria. We hope to hit the road, Sunday, early. Its a full days drive southwest of here.

We will miss Moab, and Gloria and Ivan. (They run this RV Park), but we are planning to meet up again with them in Sturgis, SD the first week in August for bike week.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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