Saturday, June 19, 2010

Goodbye to Moab

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tomorrow we will say goodbye to Moab. We absolutely love it here. We hope to come back, soon.

Yesterday we were going to go hiking, but opted to walk around town to get all the little things we need to get back on the road for tomorrow's trip to Marysvale.

We walked off the main street and found a wonderful little deli for lunch. From there, we went to the Moab Museum. Which we did not even know existed. It was so very interesting. We spent almost 2 hours in there reading all the history, and looking at the pictures. The museum itself is no bigger than a small 2 bedroom house and is chock full of information. There was a little old lady, a volunteer, who was more than happy to tell us everything and anything. She knew about, the rocks, the uranium, the first settlers, everything. She was sweet and definitely enjoys her time there.

Today, we are washing the RV, and the truck, and the Polaris. We will have dinner with Gloria and Ivan and then afterwards will head up to this huge house set up on a hill overlooking the town. It is now a restaurant, but was the house of Charlie Steen. He is the man who hit a vein of Uranium and made $65 million dollars in the late 40's. His family has since moved and sold the house. He is the local small town hero who helped develop this beautiful, untouched place.

We will write more when we settle in Marysvale. Thanks for reading and Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!

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