Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Monday, August 30, 2014
The Original London Bridge
After being so impressed with Bill and his team we decided that we did not have to make daily assessments. We took a road trip to Lake Havasu, AZ. We met up with Jim and Jackie. It was our 10th Anniversary. Jim and Jackie shared the same date as us.
Tommy, Gloria, Jim, Jackie, Ivan
On our 5th Anniversary we convened in Hawaii for 10 glorious days of paradise. It was only appropriate to share the 10th along with them. We settled in Jackie’s ‘other’ house, just off the lake and rented a pontoon. The weather was tremendously hot. Somewhere around 120 degrees. For all the people who are reading this and are saying – oh yeah, but it’s a dry heat – stick your head in an oven and tell me it’s not hot. It’s hot! The lake was filed to capacity with boats and the police were everywhere.

While on the lake we ran into Gloria and Ivan, the couple we hike with in Moab every year. They were RV’ving in Havasu for the summer. We took them for a short boat ride and dropped them back off at their RV. We had a great visit with them. We spent the entire day on the water.
The next day the 4 of us drove up to Oatman. It is on the boundary of AZ and NV. This town is celebrated for the burros that roam freely, without restriction. Burros are a grander sized Donkey and are great work animals. In Oatman,  no one owns them. They saunter the streets and go anywhere they desire. It is quite an experience.
From there we went to Laughlin NV, for the casino and dinner. Of course after losing $20 I gave up. I am such a chicken. Of course Jackie won, she constantly wins. It was a long day and a lot of driving but it was fun.
Once back at the house we cleaned up, walked the dogs, and headed into town for drinks at a local bar. It was a country western bar with a live band and we had a blast. The next day we traveled back to CO. As always, we love hanging out with Jim and Jackie and will undoubtedly visit with them in Palm Springs, where they live, soon.
When we arrived back in Montrose we were surprised that the house was moving along so rapidly. The frame work and trusses were put in place and it began to resemble a real house. We were excited.
A couple of weeks went by and we were busy making choices everyday regarding the house. It was overwhelming at times. Our friends Roy and Kim, from Steamboat Springs, CO, stopped in town for a couple of days. We took them to the Black Canyon National Park. We, actually Kim, cooked and extraordinary meal one night with truffle oil rubbed roasted potatoes, green beans with almonds, and the best burgers we have ever consumed.
Black Canyon
Subsequent to our visit from Roy and Kim we decided to take an additional break from the house and drive up to Steamboat Springs. We visited with Mark and Susie. They live in the same neighborhood as Roy and Kim so it was a twofold escape.
Kimmay and Roy

There has never been an occasion with Mark and Susie that we did not laugh our butts off. Their home is a log cabin and belongs in a Home and Gardens Showcase. It is magnificent. Susie always prepares an impressive meal, and Tommy and Mark always banter, which makes for a lot of laughs.Once more back in Montrose we were tied down for a while. It was time for windows, and roofing, and stucco and a million selections. We ultimately
transferred the RV up the hill onto our property.

We were advised numerous times by neighbors to be cognizant of the Eagles and Coyotes. Our animals are diminutive and could be easily carted away in a blink of an eye. It distressed us a significant amount that we do not let them meander far from our sides. They, along with us, have adjusted well. Even the cats go outside during the day. We all walk every night together in the neighborhood, cats included. 
We joined a JEEP club and once a month we go on jeep outings up the San Juan Mountains. We have made some friends and really are pleased we came here.

The 4th of July came rapidly. We awakened early and headed downtown to the parade. It was small, but charming. Tommy and I also signed up for a bicycle poker run for later on that day. It was so much fun. Just as in any poker run, you pay an entry fee which customarily is given to indigenous charities. You make periodic stops to pick up a card. We rode our bicycles from place to place around the town to the destinations indicated on our map. When the last card is picked up you put together your best hand and with a bit of luck, you win.
The view from our back patio
  Most of the stop-offs to collect your cards were saloons. Of course they had drink specials for those who have partaken. By the time we reached our last destination, a beautiful B & B, I was ‘tipsy’. We were supposed to meet up with some people for fireworks later on the evening, but never made it. Oh, and yes, we cheated with the cards. We combined together mine, along with Tommy's to create an impressive hand of 3 Aces and 2 Jacks. We came in 3rd witch just goes to show you we were not the only ones who cheated. LOL.

That's all for be continued..

1 comment:

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