Friday, August 15, 2014

August 13, 2014

Its been well over a year since I have blogged. Alot has happened and alot of places were visited. Please bear with me as I am going to put the last 15 months together. (I'm sure there will be alot of pictures, and they will be out of order).

As of the end of May, 2013 and my trip to Mackinaw Island with Vicky, we have been very busy.
We discovered Sire, our Rottweiler, had bone cancer. We took him to the very best of veterinarians available to allow him to have the best quality of life that was left for him to revel in.
leaving FL
Just after we received the terrible news we hit the Road for where else? Moab, UT. Sire’s favorite place to hike, and explore. 
We met the local vet in town once we arrived and clued him in with our findings and test results. He advised us to give Sire anything he wanted because it was customary for this disease not to last more than 120 days from diagnosis to the culmination. And so we did!
Every day he was able, we would hike.  We would not go more than a mile or two, just enough until we saw he was getting weary. On the way home from the trails we would stop at the local grocery store and buy the ‘managers special’ for him. This was the meat that ‘had’ to be sold and cooked by a certain date. Sire ate steak, chicken, pork, and anything else he wanted, every night.

Sometime around late August, he became tired more and more often. The pain meds were almost around the clock. We decided to take him back home to be comfortable in his own familiar surroundings. 
We did everything and anything we could for him, and he knew it. Mid-September was the end of the time we were blessed to have him in our lives. We still cry when reminiscing. He was the best companion and friend. He is with Copper now and I am convinced he will return to me again - as in the book - A Dogs Journey.
frozen hot chocolate
Early fall we made a decision to sell the house and move to Colorado. For 2 months we cleaned, painted and staged the house. The holidays came and went. We listed the house just after the New Year. Within 6 days of being on the market we had 2 showings and received 2 offers. It flabbergasted us.
Before the sale of the house we traveled to NY to watch my sister Cheryl run the NYC Marathon. It was alot of fun. Kait and I spent a second day in the city and explored the Freedom Tower, Broadway, Serendipity for frozen hot chocolates, amongst a million other places. Since being in Montrose, Kyle left for overseas which was extremely hard for me to absorb, but my pride in him and the man that he has become overpowers my fears.
Kaitlyn surprised me and flew out here for Mother's Day, and my birthday. It was a great visit. I am so glad she came. I cannot wait to have both children here at one time.
The closing on the Florida house was to be February 1st, just as tax season started to kick in. Somehow, we managed to pack, get relocated into a townhouse, and fly out to Montrose, CO to house hunt. It was chaotic, and exhausting, and exciting, and something I will never do again without a better plan.
Before we left Florida to relocate,we also went to Santos State Park in Tampa, with a bunch of good friends for a mountain biking weekend. That was great fun and Sire's last trip in the RV with us. Kaitlyn was in an Interdisciplinary Research Conference in School and received 2nd place for her research. Very, very proud of her!
Mid February is when we flew into Denver. We  spent a night with my nephew Sean, who at the time lived in Denver. It snowed like crazy. It was beautiful. We rented a car, and the next morning drove over the pass through the Rocky Mountains to Montrose.
When we arrived in Montrose the next day we had plans to meet up with our RealtorThe prior year we had met the same couple and looked at several houses with them, but weren't ready for procurement. Nick and Joan, had 34 houses for us to see – all within 7 days. Again, I would have planned this better also, because after 9-10 houses you fail to recall which houses you liked and which ones you didn't.
After several days of being in Montrose our friend, Mark, from Steamboat Springs drove down to visit with us. We applauded the interruption from house hunting. We played for a day and then we dragged him along to house hunt with us. It was good to have an external opinion since he would point out things we did not see or contemplate. Especially since we were from the East Coast with no elevation or snow.
On the very last day during our visit, the day we were to drive back over the pass to Denver, to fly back home the next morning, we decided to forgo the existing houses and look at land.
Our Realtors, took us to a development called Spring Creek. It is elevated on a mesa and the view of the San Juan Mountains is astounding. We wanted to build a home here. The challenging part was the lot we wanted to purchase was due to have a speck house built on it, starting the very next week. We scrambled like crazy and within 3 hours we were introduced to a builder, Bill Boggan. We closed the deal through Fed Ex in the following days.
I am telling you about Bill Boggan because he, along with his wife Tami, allowed us to meet in his living room at 8:30 in the morning, without much notice. We then schlepped him to the land we wanted to purchase. We walked him to the approximate location on the 2 acre lot where we wanted the house to be placed. We explained to him that we wanted the house set at a slight angle in order to capture the all-inclusive mountain range from our back patio.He listened to us and we all shook hands. Back to Florida we went.
Meanwhile, we had relocated to the townhouse, I continued to work tax season, and we had one last party at the Warmack Manor.
April 15th came and went. April 16th we packed up the townhouse.  April 17th we kidnapped Vicky and drove across country to our new town. It was a grueling 5.5 days of driving. We broke down in Georgia on day 2. It was Good Friday. There was not one single person available, anywhere, to help us. We were in the middle of the Bible belt on one of the holiest of holiday weekends. We were stuck on the side of the road on I-70.
Black Canyon
We were 110’ long and 3 feet from the white line on the highway. It rained most of the time we were stuck and we started to sink into the already soft shoulder.  We struggled to make the best of it. Tommy, I, Vicky, 2 dogs, and 2 cats, stuck in a 43’ RV on the side of the road. We drank a lot. We played every card game known to man, including spit! It actually wasn't that bad except for the continuous rocking every time a big truck would pass by us. We had a lot of laughs.
 Saturday finally came and by now this situation was getting old, quick! Tommy finally contacted a towing company, but when they arrived to tow us, they could not elevate the motor home. It weighed over 40k pounds and we had a 24’ fully loaded trailer tethered to it. (Vicky and I drove the van which pulled the Jeep).
surprise visit
We were disappointed but held out hope. Somewhere around 2 pm the same day another tow truck showed up. YAY!!! We were elated. This time, unfortunately, we were sunken too far down for him to get the forks (or whatever they are called), underneath the coach. He could not to lift it and therefore we could not be towed.
stuck on I70
Now this was not funny. It was still raining. Several hours passed and finally, and I still don’t know how, Tommy found a guy to ‘look’ at what was wrong with the coach. It turns out it was a small, small, small, teeny tiny hole in the break line that lost pressure so the coach stopped moving. We were told we were lucky that Tommy could control it enough to pull over and stop.
This man, this Godsend, who helped us find the problem, went back out and bought a new line to replace the broken one for us. He did it  right there on the side of I-70! We paid him cash and thanked him profusely. He was our hero!
It was getting to be late in the day,  but we decided to start driving again. We didn't care that it was late and dark we just wanted off the highway. We drove hard, almost 5 hours and finally stopped for the night. We drove until we hit Nashville, TN.
When we stopped, my poor friend Vicky, experienced me having a total breakdown that night. I was mentally and physically exhausted. With the sale of the house, the moving to the townhouse, the packing up again and moving to a new state, I guess it was all too much. All during the chaos  I worked. I was not sitting at a desk just getting through the day, but dealing with the end of tax season where almost everyone you help owes the government money at that time. They are sometimes not very nice to you. (Like it’s your fault).
 Vicky was a trooper, and thank God she was there with me because it was a rough couple of hours by the time it all ended. Words cannot express how much she means to me!!
at Toby Keith's
The next day we hit the road and we were all in better spirits. It took a couple of more days but we finally arrived in Montrose. We wanted to show Vicky our new home town.  The plan was to place the RV on our land and watch the house being built. That did not happen for almost 6 weeks. We stayed at an RV park. We needed to get permission from the HOA to live on the lot. Eventually, we were able to move on our land and we are still here as I am typing this.
hidden in the walls
Because of the adjournment in Georgia, we barely had 2 days to show Vicky our new town. We took her to the Black Canyon National Park and to Ouray. (Pronounced U-RAY). Two of our favorite places.
The day before Vicky was to  fly back home from Denver, I rented a car and drove her over the pass. Tommy stayed behind with the animals. What a complete difference from February, where there were so many feet of snow, to now having wild flowers everywhere. 
We booked a hotel and ventured out into Denver for the night. We ended up at Toby Keith’s – I Love This Place- bar and restaurant. It was a lot of fun. We drank Irish Car Bombs and laughed a lot.
The next morning Vicky flew home and I drove back to Montrose. The drive across the Rockies is 5 hours, there is no cutting it short. It is so beautiful and majestic the time flies by.
Now back to the house, for the first time, and Bill, our builder. We drove up the mesa to see the progress he had made while we were back in Florida. They broke ground in mid-April. We were bowled over when we arrived on our land. The house was placed precisely where we wanted it.  It was angled spot on. We, on no occasion, signed a contract, we had not a drawing, and never wrote anything down.  It was all on word of mouth, and a shake of the hand -  and it was exact!

 to be continued.........

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