Thursday, September 2, 2010

Royal Gorge Bridge and Park

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Yesterday we were 100% complete tourists. Yes, Tommy was involved. We went to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. It is Canyon City, CO. Elevation - just under 7000 feet.

We expected it to be crowded and I figured right off the bat, Tommy would hate it. But there were only - maybe - 50 people in the entire park. AND Tommy loved it!!! The weather was in the mid 80's with no humidity.

The park is famous for its bridge that stands 1053 feet above the Arkansas River. We watched a 20 minute film on the making of the bridge and it was amazing. They built the entire thing in 1929 and it only took 6 months. The total cost  was  $250,000.00.  In today's costs it would be well over $15 million. You can walk across it or drive. We did both. It is just short of 1/4 mile long and very impressive. It was the largest suspension bridge in the world, up until the Golden Gate was built in CA. It moves as you walk on it, kinda like the Tom Sawyer bridge in Disney. Its freaky.

They also have this incline railroad which is really cool. It takes you down the canyon at a 45 degree angle and you descend over 1500 feet. Its only 50 wide at the widest part and you pass another rail car on the way down and vise versa.  At the bottom you can get out and overlook the river. It was beautiful.  There were white water rafters and kayaks having a great time.

Next we took the Aerial Tram. It goes from the North end of the park to the South and back. You are a little higher than  1000 feet above the river and you have a clear view of the park and the bridge.  You have a 360 degree of the entire canyon and its beautiful.

They offer entertainment everywhere you look and the funny thing is - there were only 5-6 people (including us), at every event. The talent was good and it was sad for the performers, even though we clapped really loud.

OH, and I got a tattoo!!! NOT!!! It is airbrushed, and should last about a week or so. I'm hoping it lasts until next Wednesday when Kaitlyn flies out. I am go to just let her 'see' it and say, oh, yeah, I finally did it!!! hehehehehehe.(Even though you couldn't pay me to do it).

They have alot more things to do like a wild animals exhibit and other stuff, but the BEST part was 'The Skycoaster'.  You lay bellie down in this harness and are lifted by a wench up and over the canyon. You are 1200 feet over the river and........... boom...........they let go!

You can get up to 50 mph. and swing back and forth over the canyon until the momentum stops you. Then they will  pull you back in. Taking your breathe away does not describe it. (When we jumped off the cliffs in Jamaica the worst part of that was you hold your breathe the minute you jump. Then when you finally hit the water 40  feet later, you need another breath)> on this - you never catch your breath. You scream but no one hears you. Not even the person next to you hears you because the wind is so loud, almost as much as free falling when you skydive. This harness holds 3 people at a time and it is THE scariest feeling ever. Just hanging out over the canyon and you see the river below - looking soooo small.

On the way back to camp we stopped in town and had a beer at a local bar. It was rough, but we survived. OH and did I mention all the Pot stores they have? Its legal here if you have prescription and an ounce only cost $250.00  What a deal!!!!

Last night we ate dinner at home and left early for Trinidad. We are now in the State Park down south. Very close to the border of New Mexico. We are meeting up with some of Tommy's friends who have a cabin here in the mountains are will be here for Labor Day weekend. I'm sure Ill pictures.

Thanks for reading and have a good day, and be safe if Earl is on its way to you....

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