Friday, June 7, 2013

Jeeping In Moab 6-2013

Beaux saying 'take me!....

Thursday, June 6, 2013
We woke up early and met with Ivan and Gloria. They were going to be our guides for the day. We try to steal them away as often as possible as they know almost every nook and cranny here in Moab. They have been coming here for years and are in extremely good shape. We met them 4 years ago at the OK RV Park while staying here and we come back to the same spot every time.
Monitor and Merrimack Rock
We both gassed up and headed north. We followed behind on rough terrain for a while, trying to climb to a plateau. The path we were on was also a bike path. How they rode bicycles on this trail was beyond me, but we witnessed a lot of them. Some doing well – others – no so well!
There were a lot of what I considered ‘tricky’ spots where I actually had to get out  - and used the excuse of video taping because I was so nervous.
its good luck to put your tire on the Gooney Bird
The Gooney Bird Rock
I learned several things on this day. One lesson was, if you disconnect your bars on your front axels you have acute articulation. This helps you negotiate over boulders and allows your wheels to actually turn on their sidewalls for grip. BUT when you forget to reconnect them, get on the highway, and drive at 60mph you become extremely squirrelly, and it’s not fun! (There is a name for these bars but I have no idea what it is, AND I learned NOT to ask!) LOL!
We drove on trails that offered incredibly beautiful scenery. I’m sure by now the rocks all look the same but trust me, they are not. Most all of them have been named and as the sun moves across the sky the colors of the sandstone become deeper red with the shadows that dance across them.
Gemini Bridge
Gemini Bridge
There is a lot of cactus flowers in bloom and they are fantastic the way they stand out in the mundane dessert terrain. Once again, and I have no idea why, but I find myself taking pictures of flowers all day long. Maybe Ill blog all about flowers.

After several hours of Jeeping Ivan led us to a cooler, shady spot for lunch. We sat under an overhang and rested for about a ½ hour before moving on. At that point the trail became strictly for bikes and we could not go any further so we turned around and headed toward another cut off.

shady lunch spot
Just when Tommy and I thought our tour was over, Ivan led us to The Long Canyon. Can you say AMAZING!!! This ride took us all downhill through massive red rocks that were sliding with formations that we had to drive under. These rocks must weigh tons and no one knows when they are going to move again, being made of sand, and yet there is not an ounce of fear driving through or around them. They are so spactular and we are so fortunate to see these special places that you do not give it a second thought of the danger. You are simply in awe!
Ivan directing
taking off the rods
Ivan pulled us over at a certain point and said to get out and walk. Follow me, Gloria says. WOW~! We were blown away! They took us to this place along the ridge where there is ‘Jump Rock”. Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!!! We have seen A LOT of canyons, including the Grand Canyon  both North and South sides, and after a while they all look similar, but this was not. This was incredible.
Tommy and Ivan
Tommy thought about ‘jumping’ over to the infamous rock, but Ivan talked him out of it. What if he made it but then freaked out and couldn’t jump back! We’d have to throw him food and shelter. LOL.
Once off the Long Canyon Trail we headed back to our favorite watering hole. The Moab Brewery and since I’m not a huge fan of beer it works out well with the bill.
Jump Rock
looks tempting....
this was on Long Canyon
We arrived home around 6:30pm and instead of showering and cooking dinner, we decided to take the boys to Mills Trail and see if we could get Sire to go little further than in the past. The temperature was cooling down (around 90) and the sun was so pretty on the rocks at that time.
Sire showing Beaux the ropes
Sire did great! We went almost 2 miles in and crossed the river 3-4 times. Even Beaux crossed the river without coercion. He actually had to swim because he couldn’t touch the bottom. He is really truly surprising us every time he goes out. Who knew Silky Terriers were hikers.
Once back home, after a long day, Beaux had a bath and the boys ate well. We have been going to the butcher and buying meat that needs to be sold that day – at a discount – and feeding it to Sire. The vet said to spoil the crap out of him, and so we are!  He is amazingly doing well. Some days you cannot tell his is sick at all. He doesn’t last as long as he used to but he is 9 yrs. old. He’s a trooper and we are so happy he is a part of our lives.
It was a long hot day. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to double click the pictures. Oh, and if you’re on my email list (for those who do utilize FB), if you follow me you will automatically get my blogs as they are posted. I have to enter individual email addresses for every blog and I would hate to miss one of you! 

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