Monday, October 4, 2010

Flagstaff and Albuquerque

Monday October 4, 2010

After staying a couple of extra days in Flagstaff with Bill and Kathy we headed towards my cousin Michell's house. She lives in Rio Rancho NM. It is just outside the city limits of Albuquerque. Her house is on a mountain side and you can see the city lights at night. Beautiful, beautiful place.
We arrived here Saturday late afternoon, early evening and she had steaks waiting for us. It was great. After dinner we went bowling. And, no, I still cannot convince Tommy to bowl. Michell's kids, Paul and Janeyl both bowl all the time and are really, really good. Paul received two - 2 - 300 game rings. He is only 20 yrs old. Janeyl said her highest score was 297. They both have sponsors and travel for competition constantly. Very Impressive to watch them bowl. HA! My highest score that night was 115. Michelle beat me horribly but it was alot of fun. After 3 games, I gave up!

The next day, Sunday, we all went to a flea market on the other side of town. Tommy was in his glory! Did he buy anything you ask? But of course!!!! He purchased a winter coat! Isn't that what we all need living in south Florida? Actually, it is a really nice jacket. Its Columbia, so its well made and it has all this 'balloon' stuff embroidered on it. He plans on wearing on the mornings we have to be on the field at 4:30 am. It is cold here at night and early mornings. (And, no, I have no idea how I will be getting my butt out there that early, but if I want a free ride on Sunday, I'm sure I will do it.)

Last night Michelle, Tommy and I went to the balloon festival grounds. I was like a kid seeing Mickey Mouse for the first time. It was fascinating! Everywhere you walk there are balloons either being layed out to be blown up or tethered down and glowing. They have this 'glow' ceremony every night but last night a storm blew in and the balloons had to deflate all at once. It was crazy. We got a good look at what we will have to do to help our team. We ended up in the beer tent, what a surprise!

We looked for our Haunted House guy, (that's our balloon we are assigned to), but he was not there yet. Michelle explained that most balloons that are 'special shaped', like ours, do not inflate until Thursday. This festival is so big that they actually televise it in the four surrounding states. The ballooners have races, and contests, and glows, and the camaraderie is unparalleled. People from around the globe come back year after year after year we were told.

So far, the Bumble Bees are my favorite as you probably can tell from the pictures. We cant wait to meet our pilot. He and his team are from Brazil.  The pictures we received of our balloon are really dramatic and we can not wait until Thursday!

This morning Tommy woke me up early, around 7am to go next door to the neighbors upper deck to see the balloons take off. I stopped counting after 56 of them. There are a total of 698 registered balloons to be flying here by Friday. Normally there are almost 1100 but not this year. Not sure why.

Today, Michelle and I are heading into the city and doing local errands. This is the first place we have been in almost 5 months that has everything we have at home, such as Costco and a mall, etc. Tommy has a 'nice to meet you - my cousin's husband - list' to do around the house so he will stay home. (Which makes everyone involved - happier)! :)

Have a good day and thanks for reading.

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