Monday, August 12, 2013

Zirkel Mountains

Friday, August 2, 2013 
Two days ago we pulled out of Steamboat Springs, CO and said farewell to Mark and Susie.
Tommy and I resolved to cut our road trip midstream this year. Sire is decelerating at a faster pace than we anticipated and so we are taking him home. We have bolstered his pain meds. He is still cognizant for most of the day but tires very easily. We want him to be as comfortable as possible for as long as possible.
The last full day in Steamboat we hiked with Mark and Susie along with Michael, Mark’s cousin, his wife, Debbie, and their two children Emma and Aaron. Along with them came T-Bone and Louie and Beaux. Louie is T-Bones short legged Jack Russell with dreadlocks, (and Beaux’s newest best friend). There is an actual name of the breed of Louie but I don’t remember it, sorry Louie!
Michael and Deb are embarking on a 3-week family vacation across the western part of the USA. Steamboat was their first stop. We were pleased to have met them and hang out. The kids are great and their family dynamic is to be envied.
At the trail head we were met with a local couple that Mark and Susie knew. They were traveling into the mountains for a week’s stay. They had along with them, 5 cattle dogs and 2 llamas. The llamas were utilized as their Sherpa’s. They carried all the provisions and equipment. It was a pretty cool site to see.
The hiking trail we went on was in the Zirkel Mountains. Louie and Beaux led most of the way. The hike itself is only 3.1 miles in and the exact same coming back out. The elevation assentation is just less than 1200 feet. It took us, (well, me) almost 2 ½ hours to arrive at the end of the trail. My breathing was labored and I had to stop often. Coming back down was fine and only took 1 hour 40 minutes.
When we hit the end of the trail at the top of the mountain we were in awe. There is a lake at the very top that was unexpected. It is pristine.

We assembled along the perimeter of the lake and enjoyed lunch. The men teased about going into the water, but none did. It is all snowmelt and tremendously cold. We relaxed for roughly 45 minutes and then trekked back down the mountain.
The pathway along the trail is breathtaking. Absolutely peaceful, untouched, quiet, full of solitude and beyond gorgeous.
It was a terrific hike. Afterwards, as a just reward, we all went to the Clark Store and enjoyed ice cream furnished by Michael. Thanks again Michael, it was delicious.
After showers back at home, we composed several appetizers and Diane, T-Bone’s wife, caught up with us. The appetizers were our dinner. Heaps and heaps of appetizers.
After pigging out Tommy and I went over Kimmay and Roy’s to say goodbye. We dragged Susie with us and we ended up staying, instead of 30 minutes, and hour and a half. It was fun, they were having a party and we completely crashed the festivities.
Back at the chalet, Mark had made a fire. We sat around and laughed until bedtime. The next morning we packed up and pulled out.
We had a wonderful time in Steamboat and can’t wait to return in January to ski. Once home, I will update and do another blog with final thoughts of our journey this year.  Thanks so much for reading and don’t forget to enlarge the pictures.  

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