Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paducah, KY

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It took 3 days to arrive in Paducah, KY from St. Augustine, FL. We got into town around dinner (oops, I mean Suppa), time.  Several storm chaser teams passed us along our travels and  so we knew wherever they were headed we were right behind them. Scary!   Tommy's brother Jim, and his wife, Cathy reside in Paducah. Its a pretty, quaint little town. Lots of history and lots of friendly people. It sits on the Ohio River. Which by the way is over its banks.

I was so excited I finally got to meet Sweet Baby James. Sarah's son. Sarah is the elder daughter of Jim and Cathy. James is now 4 months old and so incredibly snugly. Cathy and I got to go shopping the following day with James while Sarah finished her last week at school. She is a teacher. Our adventure was comical. Cathy, nor I have done the 'baby' thing in a while and we could not figure out how to put the carseat/carrier in the shopping wagon. (oops, buggy). After 4 or 5 stores I followed another mother and secretly inspected how she had hers placed. Once we found the groves that are pre molded on the carseat/carrier it was a piece of cake. But then we were done shopping. LOL. James was great all day.

Cathy cooked us dinner every night. It was wonderful. I took a couple of recipes from her and plan on repeating them on our trip. Especially the 'boyfriend test poppy seed chicken'. Its incredibly good.

The following day, Emily, the youngest daughter, was to drive down from Louisville. She lives  there with her husband Joseph and daughter Eastyn. Isn't that the coolest name? Anyway, the weather was going to get really bad and it was wise for Emily to stay home and bunker down for the night. There were tornado warnings all across the mid west.

We watched the storm blow through from Cathy's kitchen window. For almost 5 straight minutes it seemed a bit hairy. We were lucky though and no tornadic weather hit Paducah.

 Thursday came around and Cathy and I met Emily  1/2 way to Emily's house in Louisville. We kidnapped Eastyn.  She is almost 2 and  is the happiest little girl. And oh so busy helping her aunt Sissy (Sarah), with baby James. I had fun just watching her interact. We were both very happy to see the girls and their children...finally!

We left Paducah on Friday morning and headed towards Moab. We drove completely through Kansas. Kansas is actually very aesthetically pleasing. Rolling hills, lots of farms, big sky, but oh-so-freaking- boring!!! It took 2 days of 6 hours behind the wheel and we made it to Golden CO. We are only one more days drive from Moab. The plan was to stay one night here and move on but this town is wonderful. Ill blog about it in another story.

That's if for now. I hope you are caught up and enjoy the pictures. Thanks for reading.

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